Thursday, May 19, 2005

DR-CAFTA subcommittee hearing, etc.

On Trey's DR-CAFTA post, I particularly recommend the subcommittee hearing to you all. Though I have not yet listened to the entire length of it (4 hours+), I encourage you to listen to the first 15 minutes or so. There is an introductory statement, with a bit of academic discussion of comparative advantage there (!)

Two opponents of CAFTA follow with "opening statements", then one proponent. In form (and in substance if you choose, and if appropriate to your position), you can think of these as models for what your opening statements might sound like tomorrow.

The other links on Trey's site are very helpful as well. Here also is the view of the Chamber of Commerce, here is the Agriculture Department's view on Ohio, and here is the AFL-CIO (the country's largest labor federation.

More to come.

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