Thursday, September 11, 2014

Handy quick reference

I used to maintain a list of different "terms" in IPE: actors, concepts, and the like. We can still do that, but it has occurred to me recently that there are already plenty of other handy quick reference sources online, and that I may be reinventing the wheel. So here is something for those of you who may be new to the study of economics, politics, and the interactions between the two. It is a primer from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (one of 12 branches of the country's central bank), simply called "Globalization".

On a related note, I have sometimes thought that if I had to remake this into a 100- or 200-level course, "Globalization" might be a decent alternative name. But "International Political Economy" - while having less of a ring, perhaps - probably signals more of what we want to talk about and how.

- jtd

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