Monday, May 21, 2007

U.S.-China Relations

I highly recommend several articles in this week's Economist, including the cover story. (Yes, I know I often recommend it, but especially this week.) Again, it's not because of the magazine's editorial stance (which, in the interest of full disclosure I will repeat is very pro-free trade, pro-market, pro-globalization, and rather socially liberal). Rather, it's because their articles are like a one-stop shop for reinforcing the logics and ideas we discuss in class.

Anyway, there's a great deal on China, and a big section on international banking. The latter is more technical on the financial side (discussing derivatives, collateralized debt obligations, etc.), but the former is quite accessible.

On the China issue, here's something that Mr. Reynolds brought up in class recently. China investing $3 billion in the Blackstone Group, a private-equity firm. Notice the clever strategy they're using in an attempt to avoid the backlash Dane predicted a couple of weeks ago.

More on this tomorrow.

1 comment:

HKMitchell said...

Interesting article, especially since I am kind of obcessed with China! Tomorrow could we meet for a few minutes to talk about how I could maybe work this into my argument as an example in the policy simulation?